Bloating is a very common symptom. It varies from a feeling of fullness soon after eating, to having a distended abdomen such that the clothes feel tight and totally no appetite to eat. Bloating can be caused by any of the organs in the abdomen, including the gallbladder, stomach, small intestines and large intestines. Less commonly, it can also be caused by excessive fluid in the cavity, which may be due to a heart problem, liver problem or kidney problem.
Bloating can be due to actual physical distension of the stomach or intestines by gas, liquids or faeces, or it could just be a sensation of distension due to hypersensitivity of the nerves of the intestines. Gastric (stomach) causes of bloating usually results in the distension feeling at the upper part of the abdomen. It is usually due to either gastritis or gallstones. Gallstones usually causes bloating after eating oily or fried food, whereas gastritis usually results after eating sour or spicy food. So depending on the cause of the bloating, these are the best foods to avoid.
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